Contact me if you think I can help you.
I'm a painter, sculptor, digital designer, activist and overall troublemaker from Montréal Canada.... I propose unconventional art that likes to shock, raise awareness and combat inequalities. I started art as a second career and to make a difference. I love experimenting and pushing my boundaries.
NONE !!!! Most of the time, I have no clue what I'm doing.
I have no formal art training, never studied in this field, never went to art school (never entered an art school…). I have no plan on studying in this field either.
I do have a whole bunch of degrees no one cares about...
I can't draw, sketch or doodle,
I did visit a few museum does that count ?
I began this project in 2019 as a fun project to push the limits of my creativity and to try something completely new.
To put it simply: I’m of the view that we are all collectively missing out on significant issues.
I’m fed-up of simply standing by and will fight for what I believe in.
I will fight for those who can't and for causes that no one else will tackle.
I don’t do the Art you want to see but the Art you must see. I’m just getting started…..
I usually use acrylic or oil-based paints on any available surfaces from wood, metal, plastics, road signs, fabric etc...
Also did quite a few stickers that you will see everywhere !
Now experimenting with silk screening, metal casting, welding, sculptures and electronics..... be afraid ....
I was namely inspired by Andy Warhol, Banksy, Riopelle, Monet, Picasso, the guy across the street and a few others.
Music has also been a major inspiration from all styles and genres.
You will often find references to music in my pieces ranging from Punk Rock, EDM, Reggae, RAP, House and... Classical.
Please note that I sell art only to finance my operations.
All amounts received are Entirely re-invested in my project.
I want art to be accessible to all and shared .
However, I can't do it alone or print money (I tried :P).
By purchasing an original R-Malite piece, you don't only buy art, you support this project and allow me to keep on going.
Check my store for more information.